
VENT. A recent history that comes from afar


An incredible story begins

In 1983 in Bindo, Valsassina, from the intuition of a group of industrialists with a passion for two wheels, MOTO spa was born. To unite them, in addition to the passion, the initiative and pragmatism typical of Lombard entrepreneurship, which soon turn from simple enthusiasm to real activity, first commercial and then also productive and competitive.


The announcement that will change history

The first commitment was the importation, exclusively for Italy, of the Spanish Montesa trial models. A few years later, the turning point: Honda Italia spa and Moto spa signed an agreement for the distribution of the famous Japanese motocross bikes in Italy. A project that in a short time will lead the company to achieve ambitious results thanks to the ability to take full advantage of the commercial dynamics of the reference markets.
From now on, MOTO spa will be universally recognized with the initials HM.

A history of sports successes

In addition to the constant growth of sales results, HM has also achieved sports results, winning 12 world titles in Enduro and Motocross, as well as several Italian titles, thanks to riders such as Trampas Parker, Tullio Pellegrinelli, Alex Puzar, Fausto Scovolo, Stefan Merriman, Jérémy Joly, Alex Salvini and the Finnish multi-champion Mika Ahola. The palmares of the countless titles won in the different specialties is also extraordinary. Five world titles were won in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013.


Production of HM motorcycles begins

Attentive to the sporting and market needs, MOTO spa began the development of mopeds dedicated to young people, reawakening interest in “high wheels”. Models that, still today, with the updates required by the new homologation regulations and by the needs of the Brand, represent the most desired motorcycles by young people between 14 and 18 years old.

After a quarter of a century of historic collaboration with Honda, MOTO spa began a relationship with Yamaha Motor Europe for the transformation of WR motorcycles into road versions.


Tradition doesn’t stop

Having taken over the legacy of MOTO spa, VENT today operates in the modern factory in Introbio, in Valsassina (about 6,000 square meters on 4 floors), where it produces 50 cc and 125 cc motorcycles dedicated to the on-road (Motard) and off-road (Enduro) high-wheel worlds. Reliable motorcycles, characterized by a style and technical content that express all the tradition and expertise for the two wheels typical of the made in Italy.


Vent looks to the future of mobility

The will of VENT is, however, to broaden its horizon towards innovative sectors in the field of two wheels. The professionalism, experience and passion that have always distinguished the company, lead it towards a future increasingly oriented to sustainable mobility. Thanks to the technical heritage preserved in over 30 years of history, VENT debuts at the end of 2019 with the concept of its first pedal assisted bike.

“Nomen omen” said the latins. LDV500

The disruptive and wild beauty of the Troggia, which overhangs right next to VENT’s headquarters in Introbio, is much more than just a symbol for the company. Hence, the decision to name the launch of the brand’s first e-bike after Leonardo Da Vinci – who mentioned these places in his Atlantic Codex – on the 500th anniversary of his death.


The “racing DNA” is handed down to the new generations

The “racing” DNA that led to the conquest of the 12 world titles does not lie and is handed down with increasing dynamism in the activities of the company. VENT has, in fact, decided to focus on young people who aspire to approach the sport with an important technical support of the House and through the presence of professional instructors – former champions of the various specialties – able to convey all the knowledge and secrets to approach a possible racing career or, simply, to improve the driving style and safety on the saddle.

The new payoff “Mechanics of emotions”

“Selling dreams through tools of freedom“: this is the philosophy of VENT, perfectly encapsulated in the payoff Mechanics of Emotions. A way of being that has allowed us to grow in recent years and that has accompanied all communication with the hashtag #libericonvent. On a motorcycle, Emotions must be experienced at their best, but only those who know the world of two wheels well, like our Mechanics, know how to make them unforgettable.


The euros range arrives

With the new season and the EURO 5 homologation regulation, VENT updates its 2 and 4-stroke range (MotardEnduro – Cross) by inserting renewed models both from a technical and aesthetic point of view, acquiring in its style and graphics its own modern and stylish brand identity ready to conquer a new audience of young fans.


The range of motorcycles and e-bikes grows

Not only motorcycles, because the e-bike range is completed by the debut of the world’s first twin-axle eGravel, the SuperEnduro for specialists and the push bike dedicated to children from 2 to 4 years old. And much more awaits all VENT fans starting from EICMA 2021.